Goose Raising Diary 1-42 Swan Raising Management-Xiwa Poultry Industry Goose Raising Technology

 Goose Raising Diary 1-42 Swan Raising Management-Xiwa Poultry Industry Goose Raising Technology

Legal Representative of Xiwa Poultry Breeding Professional Cooperative, Wancheng District, Nanyang City

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Weekly Brooding Goose (1-6 days)

Figure 1 1-day-old goose seedlings

Day 1

1. Pick up the chicks, group by points, and sample and weigh.

2. Insulation is 32-35 degrees, and the room temperature is 25-28 degrees; when the room temperature is below 18 degrees, it must be raised in time.

3. Drinking water: The goslings drink water with complex vitamins or brown sugar, and the drinking fountains are placed around the insulation umbrella, or in the brooding enclosure of the underground flue brooding room.

4. Start-up: Use full-price goose material for start-up, or start with rice noodles and tender vegetable shreds. The feeding bowl is placed under the heat source of the heat preservation umbrella, or placed separately from the waterer in the brooding pen in the brooding room of the underground flue.

5. Sunlight 24 hours a day.

pay attention:

1. Do a good job of handover and group records.

2. Observe the dynamics of goose chicks, focusing on adaptability to temperature.

3. Ensure that each goose chicks drink water 2 hours after walking and picking up the chicks.

4. Make sure that all the young gooses have eaten the feed, otherwise they must be trained not to feed them.

5. In cold weather, prevent the direct wind or draught wind from blowing directly on the young goose.

Day 2-3

1. Observe whether the brooding temperature is suitable.

2. Observe the dynamics of goose chicks, including mentality, movement, breathing, excretion, etc.

3. Change the drinking water twice a day and give potassium permanganate or oxytetracycline solution to strengthen the body and prevent digestive tract diseases.

4. Feed 5-6 times a day, less frequently and try to make each goose eat evenly.

5. Sunlight 24 hours a day.

6. Injection of Paramyxovirus gosling plague dual high immunity serum, 0.5 ml subcutaneously injected into each animal.

pay attention:

1. Observe the dynamics of goose chicks outdoors in the morning, noon and evening. Pay special attention to observe whether there are abnormalities of accumulation and gasping.

2. Confirm the correct type of drinking water and goose feed used.

3 Understand and find out whether there are diseases or deaths, and deal with them in time.

Day 4

1. Insulation is 32-31 degrees in cold seasons, and 30-29 degrees in hot seasons. Pay attention to ventilation under the premise of heat preservation.

2. Change water and material.

3. Add litter or replace wet litter.

4. 23 hours light.

pay attention:

1. It is still necessary to pay attention to prevent the direct wind or draught wind from blowing directly on the young goose.

2. Other matters are the same as 3 days old.

Day 5


Figure 2 Five-day-old gosling

1. Observe the young goose's dynamics in the morning, noon and late.

2. Change water and add materials.

3. 23 hours light. If the goose chicks are found to be sick, the situation should be carefully investigated, the incidence and severity of the disease should be understood, the cause should be ascertained as much as possible, and timely prevention and treatment should be paid attention to.

Day 6

1. Observe the young goose's dynamics in the morning, noon and late.

2. Compound vitamins can be added to the drinking water to help goose chicks resist stress.

3. Make preparations for weighing goose.

pay attention:

1. Develop immunization procedures for the entire batch of geese, store vaccines according to regulations, use relevant vaccines regularly, dilute vaccines with cold boiled water, and drink vaccines from well water. Chlorine in tap water is not suitable for diluting vaccines.

2. The vaccine should be diluted daily for use on the same day, and the incomplete vaccine should be discarded after disinfection.

Weekly Goose Brooding (7-14 days)

Day 7

1. Sample and weigh once to understand the growth and development of goose chicks.

2. Add multivitamins in drinking water to help goose chicks resist stress.

3. In the cold season, keep the temperature at 29-30 degrees, and the room temperature drops to 24 degrees. In the hot season, the temperature is kept at 27-28 degrees at night, and the temperature can be removed during the day.

4. In areas with paramyxovirus disease, each goose is injected subcutaneously with 0.25 ml of paramyxovirus inactivated vaccine. Sampling should be representative, 30-50 animals can be sampled, weighed one by one and recorded, and compared with the target live weight of this week. If the weight gain is found to be too slow or too slow, find out the reason and adjust the feed type and feeding in time.料量。 Material quantity.

Day 8

1. Observe the young goose's dynamics in the morning, noon and late.

2. The water is still changed 2 times a day, the feeding is changed to 4-5 times, and you can start grazing with any food. 1. Pay attention to the dynamics of the goslings after the temperature has dropped in the hot season.

2. The start of grazing should not be too long.

Day 9

Figure 3 9-day-old goose

In the cold season, the temperature is kept at 27-28 degrees. In the hot season, the temperature is removed during the day and the temperature is kept at 24 degrees at night.

Day 10

1. Expand the range of activities of the goose (expand the brooding fence area), and replace the medium drinking fountain and medium trough.

2. Start placing the sand trough, and put small sand particles first. 1. Sand should be disinfected by sun exposure or boiling.

2. Pay attention to keep the fence clean and dry.

Day 11

In the cold season, heat preservation is 25-26 degrees, and the room drops to 20 degrees. In the hot season, depending on the situation, you can take off the temperature throughout the day and switch to natural light.

Day 12

1. Do a good job in sanitation and disinfection of the whole site, timely replace or turn over the litter, and disinfect the goose in the pen.

2. Observe the dynamics of the geese, pay special attention to changes in feces.

Day 13

1. Make preparations for weighing goose.

2. The daily management work is the same as above.

Day 14

1. Sampling and weighing, and size grouping if necessary.

2. Correctly calculate the brooding fence area, adjust the stocking density in time, and consider removing the fence. Adjust the feed amount according to the weighing result. Doing a good job in large and small groups has a lot to do with improving the regularity of goose on the market.

Weekly Goose Brooding (15-20 days/21-28 days)

Day 15-20

Figure 4 15-day-old goose

1. Observe the young goose's dynamics in the morning, noon and late.

2. Feed multivitamins or anticoccidial drugs as appropriate for 2-4 days.

pay attention:

1. Maintain the brooding temperature of 25-26 degrees in the cold season. Room temperature is 20 degrees.

2. Keep the fence clean and dry, pay attention to ventilation.

Day 21

1. Sampling and weighing, adjust the grouping according to the weight, remove the brooding fence, expand the range of activities of the goose, and adjust the feeding amount.

2. The temperature can be taken off in the cold season when the weather is better. Keep the fence clean, dry and ventilated.

Day 22

Do a good job in sanitation, replace or turn over the litter, and disinfect the geese in the pen.

Day 23-25

1. Observe the gosling dynamics.

2. Prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases.

Day 26

1. It can be cooled all day and changed to natural light.

2. Plan to improve the group refueling work.

Day 27

Figure 5 27-day-old goose

1. If you need to transfer the group, you should clean the middle goose house in time, and I will clean and disinfect in advance.

2. Make preparations for the conversion of geese feed and group equipment.

pay attention:

1. The transfer work will cause a certain degree of stress response in the world to Zhongge, so be careful.

2. There should be a transition period of 2-3 days for the transfer. According to the feeding amount, use 1/3 of the goose feed on the first day and 2/3 of the goose feed. /3, 1/3 of the goose feed, mix well and throw in; on the third day all feed in the goose feed.

Day 28

1. Carry out the whole group points and count the brooding rate.

2. Sampling and weighing, comparing with the target weight, if the growth is too slow or too slow, it is necessary to carefully divide the cause and take timely targeted measures.

3. Choose to go to the group at night when the weather is fine. When catching the geese, they should be careful to avoid stress during the day.

4. Regardless of whether you transfer to a group or not, you must do a good job of grouping large and small groups.

Weekly brooding goose (29-35 days/36-42 days)

Day 29-35

1. Observe the dynamics of the geese, understand the melons after transfer, and take corresponding measures in time.

2. Check the stocking density, location of water, material, sand tank, bedding, doors and windows, and ventilation.

3. Feed 0.01% potassium permanganate solution or 0.1% oxytetracycline solution to prevent digestive tract diseases.

4. Change water and feed, and can adopt automatic food trough, free to eat all day.

5. Regularly patrol the fence three times a day. Find and deal with problems in time.

6. The whole site will perform a cleaning and sanitation work, and carry out the disinfection of the geese in the pen.

7. Sampling and weighing at 35 days old.

pay attention:

1. Comprehensively review the work of the brooding stage, analyze the brooding records, summarize experience, find problems, and learn lessons in order to improve the next batch of brooding work.

2. In the future, samples will be weighed on the last day of each week to calculate the average weight, uniformity, material consumption, meat-to-feed ratio and breeding rate, and improve the breeding work in time.

Day 36-42

1. Regularly patrol the fence 3 times a day, observe the dynamics of the geese, and find and deal with problems in time.

2. Adjust the flock according to the size of the goose, and strengthen the feeding of weak gooses.

3. Adjust the amount of feed.

4. The whole site will perform a cleaning and sanitation work, and carry out disinfection of the geese in the stalls.

5. Sampling and weighing at 42 days of age.

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