how to raise chicken fry, how to raise chicken fry just bought

Question how to raise chicken fry, how to raise chicken fry just bought
Regarding the method of raising young chickens, after long-distance transportation of newly purchased chickens, you need to boil water, eat and drink, and control the proportion of feed. There are other precautions, let’s take a look.

How to raise chicks
1. Temperature: Ensure a suitable temperature, subject to the chickens not being crowded or breathing.

2. Humidity: After the chicken fry is bought, the humidity in the first few days should be kept between 70-85%. High humidity is good for the absorption of egg yolk. Control 60%-70% before ten days of age and 50%-60% after ten days of age. Keep drinking water constantly.

3. Illumination: The first day of the laying chicks has 24 hours of light, and then it will be reduced by half an hour every day. After 2 weeks, natural light will be adopted. The stronger the light in 1-3 days, the better, which is convenient for eating and drinking. (The broiler has 24 hours of light throughout the whole process, and the light intensity gradually decreases in the later period.)
4. Boil the water first, then start the food: Chicken fry that has been transported over long distances must be started 3-4 hours after boiling the water.

5. Feed: You can choose corn meal as the feed for young chicks, and it is better to steam it in the pot to half-cook, or use the full-price compound feed for chicks from the feed factory.

6. Drinking water: Use cold boiled water for the first three days. It is better if the water temperature is not cold. Add multivitamin and ofloxacin and other antibiotics in the water to prevent diseases such as pullorum and E. coli.

7. Density: The first 2 weeks of the plane brooding density should be 30-40 birds/m2, and the next 2 weeks of age should be 20 birds/m2.

Precautions for raising chicks
1. The body temperature of the chicks that are just emerging from the shell is 3℃ lower than that of the adult chickens. Generally, they reach normal body temperature after 10 days. The chicks have short and sparse hair and cannot keep out from the cold. The chicks of 1-30 days should be kept warm and kept in a clean and hygienic environment. Rearing.

Chickens over 30 days old have basically full feathers and do not need heat preservation.

2. The body temperature of the chicken is between 40.8-41.5℃, and it must be raised in a well-ventilated environment with warm winter and cool summer. Moreover, chickens have a short digestive tract, strong metabolism, fast growth and development, and need to be fed with adequate and easily digestible feed.

3. Easy to startle group. Chickens are timid, chicks are easy to flock, the light ones are crowded, growth and development are blocked, and the severe ones trample on each other and cause disability and death. It is necessary to raise chickens in a quiet place. Rough management is strictly prohibited, noise is reduced, and dogs and cats are prevented from entering, so as to cause disturbances in the chickens and affect the growth of chickens.

The above is the method of raising young chicks, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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