Is it possible to raise geese only with grass? How about putting it on the mountain without feeding it?

 Is it possible to raise geese only with grass? How about putting it on the mountain without feeding it?


Legal Representative of Xiwa Poultry Breeding Professional Cooperative, Wancheng District, Nanyang City

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This situation is also a few explanations. If only eating grass to maintain the life of the goose, there is no problem, but this slow growth rate seems to save costs and save feed money, but actually greatly extends the maturity cycle. From an economic point of view, this is not cost-effective. However, in recent years, many large farmers and orchard growers have abundant grasses in the fields. The annual manual weeding costs of many large households is hundreds of thousands or even millions. Then it seems that the fields are raising geese. It can not only solve the problem of grass, but also reduce the expenditure of manual weeding. This is the best of both worlds. Of course, it should be fed with feed and scientifically cultivated. Like this kind of feeding method, it is recommended that concentrated feed must be used for fattening in the first 20 days before the goose is ready to be sold. Feeding technology

   One, the biological characteristics of goose

  Goose can not only produce goose meat, goose eggs and other animal protein products, but also produce fatty liver and down which are raw materials for export products with great potential in the international market. Vigorously developing the goose industry is not only conducive to the rational use of forage resources on grassy hills and slopes, especially in the "ten borders" pastures in agricultural areas, but also an important way for China's animal husbandry to move towards a broader international market after my country’s accession to the WTO. The characteristic goose industry is developing from the southern rivers and lakes and the port area to the northern agricultural area. The feeding mode is changing from water to dry feeding, from grazing to house feeding, but its breeding rate, feed remuneration and economic benefits are uneven. Qi, the gap is huge. The reason is that in addition to market price fluctuations and poor connection between production and sales, a lack of understanding of the biological characteristics of geese leads to improper feeding and management methods.

  1. Water-loving

   Geese are good at foraging in the water, playing and courting and mating. Except for the fattening period, it is generally better to stock them where there is water in rivers, lakes, streams, and ponds.

  2. Gregariousness and rhythm of life

   gregariousness is an important characteristic of geese. Regardless of feeding, swimming, exercise, or sleep in the gosling stage, they all live in groups. In the adult goose stage, in addition to the family as a unit or a single activity when eating forages, it is still active in groups when swimming and sleeping. When encountering interference from external factors, such as raptors approaching, animals approaching, car whistling, etc., All the geese gathered quickly and were on a high level of vigilance, and did not disperse until the disturbing factor disappeared.

  3. Omnivorous

   Geese like to eat green grass and can make full use of green coarse fodder, such as field, roadside weeds, farmland leftovers, wheat grains, and even grass roots and tubers buried deep in the silt, etc., can be used by the geese for food. Because the beak of the goose is long and flat, the upper and lower beaks have developed serrations, and the long and easy to bend neck, which strongly supports the goose to find food. The esophagus is enlarged and fusiform, which is convenient for the goose to store a large amount of food ingested. The musculature of the goose's musculature is particularly developed, with strong contractility, which can effectively lyse plant cell walls and is easy to digest. In addition, the digestive tract of the goose is 10 times longer than the body, and the cecum is also very developed. In addition, the alkaline environment in the small intestine of the goose can dissolve cellulose and use the protein in the grass.

  4. cold resistance

   The whole body of the goose is covered with thick feathers for heat insulation and well-developed tail fat glands. The beak is often used to rub the fat on the feathers, which increases the water resistance of the feathers. It can still move freely in the water when the temperature is around 0℃. 2. Feeding management

  1. Construction of goose house

   Goose houses can be divided into brooding houses, meat goose houses, fattening houses, and breeding goose houses. Their specific construction requirements and conditions are also different.

   (1) Brooding house

Goslings before 20 days of age are poor in body temperature regulation. Therefore, the brooding house must have good heat preservation performance. The house must be dry, ventilated but not leaking. The ratio of the window area to the floor inside the house is 1:10-15. , The eaves are 2m high, and the floor inside the house is 25~750px higher than the outside of the house. It is made of cement or sandstone, which is good for washing and disinfection and preventing rodent damage. A sports field should be set up in front of the brooding house, which is flat and slightly inclined to the ditch to prevent water accumulation in rainy days.

   (2) Goose House

   Meat geese grow fast, have strong physique, strong resistance, and are relatively extensively reared. The meat geese can meet the basic requirements as long as they are sheltered from rain and wind from east to west. In cold areas, pay attention to cold protection.

(3) Fattening house

The fattening house requires a quiet environment, with dim light and good ventilation. The eaves of the house are required to be 1.8~2m high. Most of the ground is made of rammed soil. The water tank is placed on the drainage ditch so that the overflowing water can flow into the ditch. Aluminum wire mesh wooden strips, the house is divided into several small rooms, each with an area of ​​12m2, which can accommodate 50 gooses.

   (4) goose house

   requires excellent cold and heat insulation performance and sufficient light. The eaves of the house are 1.8-2m high, and the south side is the window. The ratio of the window area to the floor area in the house is 110-15, and 2 to 3 geese can be raised per m2. At the junction of the land sports field and the water surface, it must be built with stones, and the slope must be made with cement, with a slope of about 25-35b, and the slope must go deep into the water and equal to the lowest level in the dry season.

  2. Goose feeding

   The young geese are reared according to the strength and weakness of the geese after they emerge. After 24 hours, put it in a basin filled with water, the depth of the water can cover the plantar of the goslings, and let it move freely and drink for 5 minutes. 1 to 3 days old, mix one part of the rice that has been soaked in water and two parts of shredded greens. Sprinkle the feed on the plastic sheet according to the amount to lure it to peck. After two days, you can feed it every 2 to 3 hours. 4 to 10 days of age, increase the amount of feeding daily, 7 to 8 times a day, and water at the same time, you can switch to feeding trough and drinking fountain. 11 to 20 days old, you should practice swimming and grazing. The feed can be green feed. The concentrate is changed to broken rice. The bran is mixed appropriately to reduce the number of feedings (5-6 times a day).

   During the feeding stage of young geese, special attention should be paid to cold, heat and humidity. It is best to use a bamboo basket to pad hay or rags for heat preservation. Keep the goslings in the basket and use their own heat to keep them warm, that is, "self-incubating chicks". When the climate is cold, a heat source should be supplied. The room should be ventilated and light-transmitting. When feeding, be careful not to overflow the drinking water. Keep the ground and bedding dry to prevent diarrhea.

   herd and happy water are the natural habits of geese. For the first time grazing and swimming, 7-10 days after the hulls emerge, choose a sunny day and a flat day. After feeding, rush to the grass to let them eat the grass, and rush to the shallow water to let the geese freely enter the water, and must not be forced to rush back to rest. After 20 days of age, it will gradually graze all day long, allowing it to freely enter the water. After 40 days of age, it can be grazing in the open air.

  3. Grazing of young goose

   30-90-day-old young geese are the fastest growing stage of bones, muscles, and feathers. Grazing should be strengthened and nutrients needed for growth and development should be strengthened to cultivate a flock of geese with strong adaptability, resistance to rough feeding and fast weight gain. Geese mainly graze and forage for wild fresh green grass by themselves. As long as weeds are non-toxic and odorless, geese can eat them. When grazing, each flock should be 80 to 100 geese. Use grassland reasonably, choose a certain grazing route, graze piece by piece, and let them rest on the grass after eating. Grazing is generally 9 hours a day. When grazing, pay attention to "release water", which should be no less than 2 to 3 times a day, and release water for about half an hour each time.

   The young geese are mainly grazing all day long, and they need to be fed appropriately. It is generally supplemented with bran and rice grains to reduce feeding costs. The supplementary feed is fed at night when returning to grazing, and the amount of supplementary feed is flexibly controlled according to the grazing feed intake.

  4. Breeding geese

   Feeding during the egg-laying period, the best combination of house feeding and nearby grazing for female geese, feeding once a day in the morning, noon and evening; grazing once in the morning and afternoon in the daytime The ratio of rice and bran in the feed is 2:1, and it is equipped with mineral feed. After each feeding, they are allowed to drink enough water. The male and female breeders are kept at a ratio of 1:5. The male geese can mate smoothly in a 30 cm deep pool or freely mate in dry land, and they can reach a satisfactory fertilization rate. Mother geese lay eggs from midnight to 10:00 am. When going out to graze, they can automatically return to the nest to lay eggs. It is best to graze nearby or feed in the house. The entire laying cycle is 20-25 days.

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